We have been having this swift and very wet summer, in fact, it has been too wet for several things like just sitting out in the back porch, inhaling the scent of a smoking grill. However if you do love hydrangeas like me we have certainly been blessed with beautiful colorful "hydrated" blossoms. I shall post my hydrangea pictures soon! This week, some of us in Westchester are also paying homage to another beautiful summer tradition - farmers market produce. Please follow
the blogs , to see what the markets have in store for you!

Last Friday, I visited the Dobbs Ferry Market, some of the pictures here are not very clear because - did I tell you, it was rainy?

Lots of greens, we have been having a lot of them in our own garden so I have been staying away from them, but I did pick up a lot of fresh mint and a huge bunch of green onions.

Yes, beautiful fresh strawberries, I ate a whole carton of these at lunchtime today, cannot imagine a healtier lunch - well compared to some of the other things I end up eating.

I did not get any peaches, but as you can see these were beautiful!

These hot green chillies were labeled "finger chillies!". Let me tell you these are really potent. I made a fish curry with these. I have no idea what to do with the rest of them.

Tucked in the corner here was a stand from "Sprout Creek Farms". They had cheese and breads. They also had some very interesting Spring Rolls. These were made of lamb and vegetables bursting with the fresh flavor of mint and ginger. Speaking of mint, I went a little crazy with mint yesterday.
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