One of my favorite places to visit is the
Silver Tips Tea Room -in Tarrytown. This was a chance discovery several years back, and the place reminds me of home. If you have Indian roots like me you are fussy about your tea. Actually, make that eastern indian roots, we bengalis like our tea brewed not boiled.

Probably more attactive than the quaint victorian set-up and great tea selection is the charming and lovely Anupa who owns the tea room. Anupa's passion for tea and her her deep knowledge permieates anytime you visit making you feel special, living up to the tea room's logo - Every visit is a treat!

Well, after being closed for a while the tea room has opened to a nice and expanded state of affairs! The set-up is more modern, the above is a view out of the window on a cold rainy fall evening, just the perfect setting for a good warm cup of tea!

I had gone in with the crew - Anshul, Deepta and Aadi. The kids love their smoked salmon sandwiches! I tried the Nilgiri frost and Anshul had their black currant tisane. I also came home with the citrus blend. This is another special feature about this place, I am yet to run out of new teas to try out! I do have my favorites - my morning starts with their Makaibari Darjeeling tea!

After taking in their nice spacious decor and biting into their delicate and light textured cheesecake I realized that Anupa was missing! Here is what is interesting, the menu remains the same since it is mostly catered and the tea is just as nice but the presence is what makes the restaurant complete. This is unfortunately my second visit without her leaving me to wonder whether I want to visit again - this is how strong a person impact can be.
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