Well, in this context, I was not visiting neighbours, or even stopping by my local wine stores, but I was indeed looking for the comfort of familiar settings, I had a not so nice experience today at the ranch, so I needed something that felt like home. Believe it or not, my dear friend Pat is always home to me, unfortunately she is not always there on quick demand, that is when I have to make do with the neighbourhood Italian...
L that is the cross roads of Cedar and
Main, yes around the Cookery viscinity, they are mostly good but what Sam's does for you is transports you to a world where you think Cianti, want to listen to Dean Martin and eat well - good stick to your ribs feel happy Italian fare.
The place was done up with seasonal centerpieces. I tried the mini Pizza which was more that enough for 2 for lunch, most of the Pasta is good, the Panini Sandwiches are nice too. I have not tried any of their entrees. If you want a place where you want to feel comfortable, and well fed this is where you want to go.

I have been there at least 7-8 times, alone, with 1-2 people and once with a group of 19 - I have dealt with the same waitress, who actually remembers that I drink my coffee with no sugar. A lovely fall day, the kind that you want to sit by the water and read your favorite book.
128 Main St. '
Dobbs Ferry 914-693-9724
sounds like a wonderful place Rinku. The combination of good food and feeling at home is heady and even I would have kept going back to such a place