Saturday, August 18, 2007

Weekend Musings - Quick tossed Pasta

Last night we went out to catch up with some friends over dinner. The food was just so ooo good. There was this really wonderful papri chat that my friends mother had made from the scratch, was so good. I was drinking the red wine a fruity California Merlot, I don't know what caused it but boy! did I wake up with an horrid headache this morning. It just refused to go away. I took at least 3-4 tynenols, ironically enough last night we were dicussing about the pros and cons of pain killers last night. Well, then I completed the usual chores for the weekend and managed to get some sleep this afternoon, now, how rare is that.

Later, this evening, I fussed around the house. It is mind-boggling just how much junk these kids accumulate. Aug-Oct is birthday season in my kids daycare, this practically takes over our social calendar, and then I am left with all the junk from the goody bags. Well, I filled at least 2 garbage bags of junk and dropped this off in the dumpster on my way for my regular walk.

At night, I decided to put scrounge through my fridge to put together a pasta with whatever I had available. I have to confess I was pleasantly suprised with the results. The combination of ingredients laced with some green chilly and cilantro resulted in a well-balanced dish with just a hint of spice. I would recommend this with a good glass of wine, I have sworn off alcohol for the rest of the weekend after last night.

Red and Green Spicy Pasta

Serves 4


9 oz angel hair pasta
Water and salt for boiling
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
3 cloves garlic finely chopped
1 green chilly minced
1 red pepper cut finely
1/2 cup finely chopped prociutto
1 cup grape tomatoes halved
1/2 cup prepared marinanara sauce
Salt if needed
1/3 cup toasted slivered almonds
3 tbsp shaved aged parmasan
2 tbsp finely chopped cilantro

Method of Preparation

1. Cook the pasta till just done (should be very al dente), drain and set aside.
2. Heat the oil and butter and add the garlic, followed a few minutes later with the chilly and red pepper and cook for 3-4 minutes.
3. Add the prociutto and grape tomatoes, and, the tomato sauce, with salt if using. Let this cook for a few minutes.
4. Add in the pasta and mix well for 3-4 minutes.
5. Stir in the remaining ingredients and mix well to let the flavors mix.


The cilantro in this recipe makes for an interesting fusion of flavors. This goes to Zorra at Tomate, who is hosting this weeks WHB.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Soy-Orange Ginger Fish

Thinking Quick! Thinking Spicy! Thinking.... Well, you get the drift... As always, trying to whip up dinner, actually to watch with this movie called, "The Holiday." Someone asked me my taste in movies, the answer sounded odd even to me, but I love watching alternate film and good sappy romantic comedies. Yes, the holiday is the later kind, but you know, there is nothing wrong with happily every after.

Anyhow, once in a while we do dinner on a plater, wine in a glass and movie on the screen. So here is the "dinner on a plate."

Dinner on a Plate

Serves 4


1/2 cup soy sauce
1 inch piece ginger
3 green chillies
2 clementines juiced
1 small bunch cilantro
2 cloves garlic
2 tbsp honey
1.5 lbs. salmon
2 tbsp oil

Method of Preparation

1. Add the soy sauce, ginger, chillies, orange juice, cilantro, garlic and honey and blend till smooth.
2. Add to the salmon and let this sit for 30 minutes or longer.
3. Add the oil on a baking dish and place the salmon in a single layer.
4. Turn on the broil and broil for 7 minutes on each side.
5. Serve hot with rice or salad.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Chive-Sun Dried Tomato Omelette

The other morning I had made myself an omelette on a whim, and, my daughter tried it. Well, now she is all into having an omelette usually for breakfast. Well, nothing to inspire your creative juices than your eager 4.5 year old. That (.5) half is especially important, she will make sure that you do not forget it when mentioning it too her. Well, this morning, this is what we had for brunch with a side salad.
It also got me to use a new herb, yes, just in time for WHB. This is being hosted by Kalyn at Kalyn's kitchen.

For Each Omlette


1 tbsp olive oil
1 egg
1 tbsp minced onion
1 tbsp chopped chives
Salt to taste
1 tbsp chopped sun-dried tomatoes
2 tbsp goat cheese
Freshly ground black pepper

Method of Preparation

1. Heat the oil on skillet or frying pan.
2. Beat the egg with the onion, chives and salt and pour on the skillet.
3. Quickly top with the sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese.
4. Cook for about 5 minutes and sprinkly with the pepper.
5. Fold and serve how.

My daughter added some ketchup on hers, I encourage you to have it any way you like it.